Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Exorcist Warns that Taylor Swift Fans ‘Could Be Attacked by Demonic Forces’

'When a fan posted a video of him screaming, "Yes, summon the demons, b----," during that song, she responded on Instagram by suggesting that all her fans chant this from now on. Kinda weird...'

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) Father Dan Reehil, exorcist of the Diocese of Nashville, has posted a viral social media video that warns fans of musical artist Taylor Swift to avoid her Eras Tour concerts after reports of possible witchcraft taking place on stage.

When performing the song “Willow” from her “Evermore” album, Swift and several other dancers dress in black capes and dance with orbs, according to ChurchPOP.

Elements of earth and fire are also featured in the performance. Father Reehil’s video explained how the practice of witchcraft, or “wicca”, focused on harnessing energy based on the elements of water, fire, earth and air.

In occult religions, witches believe that they can harness energy to achieve supernatural ends.

“The problem with the concert is that whether Taylor was trying to imitate witches or in fact was doing some kind of occult ceremony during the show is sort of irrelevant to the demons,” he explained.

He admitted Swift’s talent and influence, and warned her against using them for nefarious means.

“The demons will take deep note of what she’s doing and how she’s doing it and who she’s influencing,” he continued. “Even if her intent was not to practice any witchcraft or doing any of the incantations, she is probably attracting a lot of demons to her concerts.”

Reehil also noted that lots of young girls really admire Swift, and they could be spiritually compromised at her concerts.

He further indicated that being put in “spiritual danger” is different from possession.

The responses on social media were mixed. Several users accused Reehil of excess superstition, despite his fairly relaxed take on the matter.

Others posted clips of videos from Swift’s concert, where she encouraged fans to “summon the demons.”

“When a fan posted a video of him screaming, ‘Yes, summon the demons, b—-,’ during that song, she responded on Instagram by suggesting that all her fans chant this from now on. Kinda weird,” one user said.

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