Unproven climate crises aren’t the only efforts the UN is pushing...
Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Globalist UN Wages a Two-Front War on Meat and Free Speech

'The pseudoscience of disinformation is ... nothing more than a political ruse most frequently targeted at communities and individuals holding views contrary to the prevailing narratives...'

(Kevin Whiteley, Headline USA) Although Israel and Hamas may have brokered a temporary ceasefire, elsewhere in the Middle East, the opening shots were being fired in the globalist war on meat. 

A United Nations-linked group was convening this week and next at a massive conference in the United Arab Emirates to plot the phase-out of animal products in favor of plant- and insect-based diets.

This year marks the Food and Agriculture Organization’s 28th annual Conference of Parties (COP28), which stated Tuesday and will run through Thursday, Dec. 7, at Expo City Dubai, a “purpose built, sustainable city” recently created for the occasion by the uber-wealthy sultanate.

The climate-focused gathering will specifically examine a “plan to bring the global agrifood industry into line with the Paris climate agreement,” according to Business Standard.

Controlling the agrifood system—or, essentially, the entire food-production industry, in layman’s terms—is part of the UN group’s plan for tackling climate change, the FAO claims in its comprehensive plan.

Roughly a third of greenhouse gases—including carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane—allegedly stem from livestock farming, so FAO intends to ensure that “richer nations” decrease their meat consumption. The organization says average American consumes 127 kilograms (280 pounds) of meat annually, which is 120 kilograms more than the average Nigerian.

The FAO’s anti-meat mission could prove difficult since carbon dioxide is crucial to photosynthesis, the plant equivalent of breathing, Encyclopædia Britannica shows.

The organization might also see pushback from the medical industry, as nitrous oxide is used commonly and widely during surgical procedures due to its being the “least-potent inhalational anesthetic,” per the National Institutes of Health.

And according to University of California Riverside research, methane actually “traps heat in Earth’s atmosphere and creates cooling clouds that offset 30 percent of the Earth’s surface warming,” The Federalist reported. “In other words, livestock farming is likely cooling the planet, therefore counteracting global warming.”

Of course, if generating greenhouse gases does, in fact, help cool the planet, then globalist climate-change conferences that compel the unaccountable elite—such as John Kerry, the U.S. special presidential envoy for climate—to burn massive amounts of jet fuel for a glorified two-week resort junket might be more effective than critics give them credit for.

In the case of COP28, eliminating wealthy nations’ meat consumption may be the main object, but boosting the profit margin of one of the world’s leading fossil-fuel producers, Sultan Al Jaber (aka CEO of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company) just so happens to be the byproduct.

Noted climate skeptic Steve Milloy accused the COP28 president of “using the UN climate conference to sell more oil and gas” in a tweet Sunday citing a report from Bloomberg.


Unproven climate crises aren’t the only efforts the UN is pushing; its Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization recently advanced an alarming set of censorship protocols to dictate how participating nations regulate speech on the internet.

UNESCO’s “Guidelines for the Governance of Digital Platforms” bears eerie resemblance to earlier efforts by the Biden administration to push its controversial Disinformation Governance Board, which was widely denounced as an Orwellian Ministry of Truth.

In nearly 60 pages, the document lays out its overall objective of “[s]afeguarding freedom of expression and access to information through a multistakholder [sic] approach … while dealing with content that can be permissibly restricted under international human rights law and standards.”

While Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’s earlier attempts at internet regulation failed to withstand legal scrutiny under the First Amendment, UNESCO’s censorship guidelines, stamped with the imprimatur of The Hague would be largely “shielded from political and economic interests,” ZeroHedge reported.

Yet, that also means the independent regulators who devised and enforced them would be beholden to nobody, and undoubtedly would exploit the newfound power to advance their own agenda and interests.

“The pseudoscience of disinformation is now—and has always been—nothing more than a political ruse most frequently targeted at communities and individuals holding views contrary to the prevailing narratives,” noted a congressional report on the matter from the House Judiciary Committee.

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