Thursday, December 14, 2023

Six Tlaib Fundraisers Are Linked to Terrorism

'The enemy within...'

(Dmytro “Henry” AleksandrovHeadline USA) A recent report from a watchdog group revealed that anti-Israel Rep. Rashida Tlaib, DMich., was connected to at least “six terror-linked activists who all served as cohosts for fundraisers for her 2018 congressional campaign.”

Canary Mission, an organization that monitors anti-Semitism across the United States, wrote in its October report that it identified three new Tlaib fundraisers who are connected to terrorism, just a day after the “Squad” member was censured by the House for promoting anti-Semitism. The report itself gathered widespread attention on social media.

Among those fundraisers were a man who “met with a Hamas co-founder while in a maximum-security Israeli jail,” a man who allied “with multiple terror groups, including Hamas” and a man who was convicted “by an Israeli military court for providing material support to Hamas.”

Mwafaq Jbara, one of the Tlaib’s fundraisers, previously “met with a Hamas co-founder while [both were] in a maximum-security Israeli jail.” It was also reported that Jbara, who raised funds for Tlaib in 2018, “called for the death of Jews and praised the terrorist who killed U.S. Army veteran Taylor Force.”

In addition to that, Jbara “has shared a huge amount of pro-terror material on Facebook and is a well-known anti-Israel organizer in Chicago,” the group reported.

Canary Mission also found out that Sheikh Muhammad Qatanani, a second fundraiser of Tlaib, faced deportation from America in the past for failing to disclose his conviction in an Israeli military court of providing support to Hamas, “as well as his membership in the terror organization.”

The group also added that “Qatanani’s deceased brother-in-law, Mahmoud Abu Hanoud, was reportedly a Hamas military leader” who was listed as a cohost for a 2018 Tlaib fundraising event in Clifton, N.J.

Huwaida Arraf, another Tlaib fundraiser who was identified by the watchdog organization, was revealed to be a prominent anti-Israel activist who allegedly “has allied with multiple terror groups, including Hamas.” In 2018, Arraf cohosted one of Tlaib’s fundraising events that happened in Detroit.

“The enemy within,” one person on Twitter wrote.

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