Thursday, December 14, 2023

Kristi Noem Addresses Questions on Potential Role as Trump’s Veep

'She’s been a great governor...'

(Luis CornelioHeadline USA) Gov. Kristi Noem, R-S.D., addressed mounting speculation surrounding her possible selection as former President Donald Trump’s running mate if he secures the GOP nomination in 2024. 

Noem, alongside several prominent conservative women, has consistently appeared among the favorites for a potential Trump 2024 ticket. 

During an interview with American Sunrise on Real America’s Voice on Thursday, Noem reaffirmed her staunch support for Trump’s candidacy and said she is willing to help however possible. 

“Well, there’s a lot of people they’re talking about for vice president,” Noem responded when asked about joining the ticket. “I have long supported President Trump – he had his priorities right when he was leading this country and he allowed me as a governor to do my job.” 

Before giving her direct response to the vice president rumor, Noem emphasized the pressing need to secure victory in the 2024 presidential election. 

“I think during this time everybody needs to recognize how important it is to get him back in the White House so that we can continue to be the greatest country in the world, and we can continue to protect our country,” Noem added.  

“I’ll do all that I can to be helpful whatever that effort is, I think he needs to pick the vice president that helps him win. I want him to win and that’s going to be his decision, and his decision alone and I trust with that,” she concluded.

The South Dakota governor has previously endorsed Trump for president and has long been rumored as a potential candidate herself, according to the Conservative Brief. Trump himself has lauded Noem’s performance as governor. 

“She’s been a great governor,” Trump declared of Noem. “She gave me a very full-throated endorsement, a beautiful endorsement, actually. It’s been a very good state for me, and certainly, she would be one of the people I would consider or for something else, maybe. We have a lot of great people in the Republican Party.”

When questioned about selecting a woman for vice president, Trump emphasized the importance of choosing the “right” person. 

“You always do a little bit, but I really don’t think it’s time,” Trump told NBC News in September. “I want to win, and, you know, it’s very interesting about running mates, when you get down to a vice president, they said, ‘Nobody has ever made that kind of a difference.’ It’s still about the person that’s going to be president.”

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