Thursday, December 14, 2023

De-Transed Minn. Woman Sues Doctors Who Cut Off Her Breasts as Teenager

'I was going through the darkest and most chaotic time in my life, and instead of being given the help I needed, these doctors affirmed that chaos into reality... '

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) A Minnesota woman claims that she was tricked by doctors into being diagnosed with so-called “gender dysphoria,” and then was prematurely operated on, permanently mutilating her, the Daily Mail reported.

Luka Hein, now 21, was given a double mastectomy by doctors at age 16. She claims that the doctors pushed her into the “transitional” surgery.

According to her report, she became convinced that she was transgender after following transgender influencers on social media.

Soon thereafter, Hein took a trip to the therapist, who diagnosed with gender dysphoria with an hour, referring her soon thereafter to a doctor to receive a “top” surgery after only two visits.

Hein noted that, as a hormonal teenager, the adults in her life gave way to her impulses.

“I was going through the darkest and most chaotic time in my life, and instead of being given the help I needed, these doctors affirmed that chaos into reality,” she said.

Now Hein lives with daily pain, both physical and emotional.

She also noted that in her view, kids generally cannot think through the implications of such an invasive and permanent decision.

“I don’t think kids can ever consent to having essentially full bodily functions taken away at a young age before they even know what that means.”

Like herself, she noted that numerous other children are being “talked into medical intervention” without understanding “the long-term impacts and consequences.”

As a result of the trauma, Hein has leveled a lawsuit against the University of Nebraska Medical Center, accusing the organization of medical malpractice.

Harmeet Dhillon, the high-profile attorney representing Hein, called it an instance of “really shocking malpractice,” noting that medical professionals used their expertise to construct a “false representation about the mental health fallout from not doing it.”

Though one might think it goes without saying, Dhillon will argue in court that “doctors should not be mutilating and permanently disfiguring children, period, without some medical necessity, which did not present itself in this case.”

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