Thursday, December 14, 2023

FBI Whistleblower: J6 Pipe Bombs Were Duds

'There was no chance they could have actually detonated...'

(Ken Silva, Headline USAFor more than two years, the FBI has insisted that the pipe bombs placed outside the Democratic and Republican national headquarters a day before Jan. 6 were a grave threat to the public.

“They would have exploded. They could have exploded,” said former FBI official Steven D’Antuono, who led the bureau’s Detroit field office during the Whitmer kidnap investigation in 2020 before being moved to Washington DC shortly before the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol Hill protest.

“They are viable devices that could have gone off and exploded, causing a lot of serious injury or death.”

But this is false, according to FBI whistleblower Kyle Seraphin, who worked on the Jan. 6 investigation. Seraphin was suspended from the bureau last year for refusing to get a COVID-19 vaccine, and was fired last month for allegedly unprofessional conduct.

Seraphin told the Washington Times about the phony pipe bombs, reportedly saying that technicians who worked in the Joint Program Office for Countering IEDs told him that the devices left at the RNC and DNC were incapable of detonating.

“The devices were primitive and had all the components you would have for a bomb, but they weren’t assembled like a real bomb,” he told the Washington Times. “They would have never gone off. There was no chance they could have actually detonated. So they were inert devices. They just looked good.”

Seraphin reportedly told the Washington Times another shocking fact about the FBI’s pipe bomb investigation: The bureau linked the suspected bomber to a D.C. MetroRail SmarTrip card. The card indicated the individual got off at a Northern Virginia stop after planting both devices on Jan. 5, according to the Washington Times.

“So they tagged the entrance time and the exit time to that card to that guy. And then they found out who bought the card. And the guy who bought the card was not the guy who was using it,” Seraphin reportedly said.

“The card had never been used before. It was bought a year prior by a retired Chief Master Sergeant in the Air Force, and he was a security contractor. So, he held a security clearance.”

Seraphin reportedly said that he and his team surveilled the retired airman, who lived in a Northern Virginia townhouse, for a couple of days and learned about his background. He told the Washington Times that his bosses forbade him from questioning that unnamed security contractor before his team was removed from the case.

“I don’t know what they [eventually] did on that case, but I know that it was BS and the bombs were BS, and it seems like they had a good lead, and they could have run it down. But as far as I know, they never did,” he reportedly said. “He may still be occasionally surveilled. That’s how dumb it gets.”

Skeptics have questioned the FBI’s official story about the J6 pipe bombs for years. Revolver News has published several investigations into the matter, showing the improbability that the bombs could have been sitting outside the DNC and RNC headquarters for some 17 hours without being discovered by the Secret Service agents and their bomb-sniffing dogs.

“The notion that the Secret Service, the most elite protection detail in the world, swept the DNC building and managed to miss the pipe bomb is impossible to believe—either that or what transpired was such an act of such gross negligence that it is tantamount to deliberate malfeasance,” Revolver noted last October.

“Indeed, as the Google Earth satellite photo reveals, the pipe bomb was mere feet from both the entry and exit doors, as well as the parking garage, where the Secret Service claims it conducted a sweep.”

Ken Silva is a staff writer at Headline USA. Follow him at twitter.com/jd_cashless.

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