Thursday, December 14, 2023

Alleged CIA Serial Rapist to Use CIA-Linked Doctor to Claim His Victims Had ‘False Memories’

'At the forefront of the movement to deny the validity of the stories told by countless survivors is ... a truly vile coalition of CIA-funded psychiatrists and accused (and, in some cases, convicted) pedophiles...'

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) Former CIA agent and alleged serial rapist Brian Jeffrey Raymond is claiming that his victims have “false memories”—a concept pioneered by the CIA to discredit victims of its MKUltra mind-control program.

Raymond, who is set to stand trial for allegedly drugging and sexually assaulting dozens of women, told the judge presiding over his case last week that he intends to have University of California-Irvine psychologist Elizabeth Loftus testify on his behalf.

“Dr. Loftus will inform the jury that suggestive activities can explain how it is that a person might go from having no memory of sexual abuse to later having “memories” of abusive acts, even where the memories are false,” Raymond said in a letter to the judge.

Loftus is a former advisory board member of the CIA-linked False Memory Syndrome Foundation, or FMSF, and she has reportedly testified on behalf of rapists such as Harvey Weinstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Jerry Sandusky and Bill Cosby.

Among the other former CIA assets on FMSF’s membership ranks was none other than Jolyon West, who spearheaded MKUltra. The organization was dissolved in 2019.

As noted by MKUltra researcher David McGowan, the FMSF has been used to debunk alleged victims of government-sanctioned mind-control experiments and sex-trafficking operations.

“At the forefront of the movement to deny the validity of the stories told by countless survivors is the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, a group led by a truly vile coalition of CIA-funded psychiatrists and accused (and, in some cases, convicted) pedophiles,” McGowan wrote on his book about the subject, Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder.

And according to investigative reporter Nick Bryant—the man who obtained and published Jeffrey Epstein’s book of contacts—the foundation was used to discredit victims of government-linked sex-trafficking operations such as the Franklin Scandal.

The Franklin Scandal was a 1980s- and early 90s-era operation where boys were trafficked from an orphanage in Omaha to high-profile politicians in Washington, D.C.

Loftus spoke at the FMSF conferences in 1997 and 2002, according to her résumé, which was attached to Raymond’s court letter.

As for Raymond, the FBI began investigating him in May 2020, when a naked woman was seen screaming for help from the balcony of his residence in Mexico City.

Raymond allegedly admitted to having sexual intercourse with her, but the woman reported that she had no memory of events after consuming drinks and food provided by him.

During the investigation, FBI agents allegedly recovered from Raymond’s electronic devices hundreds of photographs and videos created between 2006 and May 30, 2020, depicting at least 24 unconscious and nude or partially nude women.

Raymond initially pleaded guilty in July to two counts of sexual abuse and one count of transporting obscene material. But last September, he suddenly changed his plea and decided to take his chances at trial, arguing that he couldn’t have done everything prosecutors said he did, because he suffers from erectile dysfunction, according to the Daily Beast.

His trial is set for Nov. 8.

Ken Silva is a staff writer at Headline USA. Follow him at twitter.com/jd_cashless.

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