Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Alleged White Supremacist Arrested Carrying ‘FBI’ Megaphone

'It appears they did not come here to engage in peaceful events... '

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) A leader from the Patriot Front–an alleged white supremacist group–was discovered to have been arrested with a megaphone that was apparently labeled as FBI property.

Thirty-one Patriot Front members were arrested in Idaho in the back of a U-Haul truck on the way to protesting a gay pride rally, the Daily Wire reported.

One of the Patriot Front members who was arrested had a megaphone with clear FBI markings, according to the Gateway Pundit.

“We do not know why this Patriot Front member was carrying this megaphone,” the  Gateway Pundit wrote.

A local police officer admitted that they knew about the protest through insiders in the Patriot Front.

Coeur d’Alene Police Chief Lee White noted that the members of the apparently Fed-infiltrated Patriot Front were carrying shields to the protest.

“It is clear to us based on the gear that the individuals had with them, the stuff they had in their possession, the U-Haul with them along with paperwork that was seized from them, that they came to riot downtown,” White said.

Members of the violently radical Antifa were also present in Idaho for the event, a strange coincidence that didn’t go unnoticed.

The Patriot Front is allegedly made up of white supremacists, which the Left would love Americans to believe make up a large portion of the American population.

The Patriot Front’s absurd website claims that “Our people, born to this nation of our European race, must reforge themselves as a new collective capable of asserting our right to cultural independence.”

Kootenai County Sheriff Bob Norris said that the members of the Patriot Front appeared to be prepared for violence.

“It appears they did not come here to engage in peaceful events,” he said.

Ironically, the Department of Homeland Security issued a terror alert soon after, suspecting potential violence.

“Some domestic violent extremists have expressed grievances related to their perception that the U.S. government is unwilling or unable to secure the U.S.-Mexico border and have called for violence to stem the flow of undocumented migrants to the United States,” the Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin alert read.

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