Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Kevin McCarthy Angling for Cabinet Post in Next Trump Admin.

'We worked together to win the majority. But we also have a relationship where we’re very honest with one another...'

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) In an appearance on CBS Sunday Morning, former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., hinted that he was posturing for a position in former president Donald Trump’s cabinet if Trump wins in 2024, RealClearPolitics reported.

McCarthy—who recently announced his plans to make an early retirement from the House after being forced out of his leadership position by a motion to vacate in October—opened the segment by suggesting that if incumbent President Joe Biden runs again, he will lose.

“If Biden stays as the nominee for the Democrats, I believe Donald Trump will win,” the former speaker noted. “I believe the Republicans will gain more seats in the House and the Republicans will win the Senate.”

While McCarthy also endorsed Trump, saying that he “will support” the former president if he wins, he also said he would serve in Trump’s Cabinet if he were “the best person for the job.”

McCarthy, who recently caught flak for a viral video in which claimed Democrats “look like America,” insisted that his bond with Trump remained strong.

“Look, I worked with President Trump on a lot of policies,” McCarthy continued. “We worked together to win the majority. But we also have a relationship where we’re very honest with one another.”

However, it follows a slight thawing of the relationship between the two. Although Trump had earlier sought to form an alliance with the House leader, both had kept their distance of late.

McCarthy had declined to endorse Trump in the GOP primary, and Trump, in turn, withheld support for McCarthy during his battle to retain the speakership.

Indeed, Trump may have been behind the effort to get a stronger speaker in place as he strives to fight the Democrats’ corrupt weaponization of the justice system and other government institutions.

Before the challenge to his speakership, McCarthy had indicated that, in his view, Trump lacked the strength to win a presidential campaign.

“Can he win that election? Yeah he can,” McCarthy said. “The question is, is he the strongest to win the election? I don’t know that answer.”

However, he subsequently tried to reverse course.

“I think President Trump is going to be our nominee and President Trump is going to win because President Trump’s policies made America stronger,” McCarthy said in an October interview, citing the lack of inflation and the more secure border during his term in office.

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