Wednesday, December 13, 2023

DOJ Smacks Down Hunter’s Attempt to Subpoena Trump 

'His arguments ignore an inconvenient truth...'

(Luis CornelioHeadline USA) Hunter Biden’s attempt to secure a court-issued subpoena targeting Donald Trump regarding allegations of the former president’s involvement in initiating a criminal probe into his tax affairs and other potential issues has been rebuked by federal prosecutors. 

Special Counsel David Weiss, leading the investigation, responded to a plea by Hunter Biden’s legal team to the U.S. District Court of Delaware seeking authorization for subpoenas against Trump and other former DOJ officials. 

In a 32-page filing, Weiss slammed Hunter Biden’s request as “meritless” and urged the judge to dismiss it. Weiss stated, “The United States respectfully opposes defendant Robert Hunter Biden’s request to issue subpoenas duces tecum.”

The special counsel’s filing declared that Hunter Biden’s claims of bias ignore the key fact that charges were initially brought forth during the tenure of his father, Joe Biden, as president.

Weiss noted, “[H]is arguments ignore an inconvenient truth: No charges were brought against defendant during the prior administration when the subpoena recipients actually held office in the Executive Branch.” 

Among the officials sought for subpoena by Hunter Biden was former Attorney General Bill Barr. House Democrats have long dismissed the investigation, asserting that the probe into Hunter Biden was instigated at Barr’s and former Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani’s behest.

Weiss staunchly defended the integrity of the prosecutors, refuting suggestions that Hunter Biden might be a victim of discrimination.

“He also identifies no constitutionally protected class to which he belongs and does not identify any evidence of discriminatory intent by the relevant decisionmakers, which is what the law requires in order to make out a claim of selective prosecution,” he declared. 

Furthermore, Weiss added, “Defendant’s motion similarly fails to articulate any basis for a vindictive-prosecution claim. Defendant fails to identify what protected constitutional or statutory right he is being punished for asserting.”

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