Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Woke SNL Criticized for Mocking GOP Rep. Stefanik in New Propaganda Sketch

'Only a hate-filled, anti-Semitic SNL could do a sketch about the anti-Semitic college presidents testifying in front of Congress and make the questioner Congresswoman Stefanik the target of the sketch...'

(Dmytro “Henry” AleksandrovHeadline USA) Woke SNL was brutally criticized for its latest mocking of Rep. Elise Stefanik, RN.Y., and undermining of anti-Semitism on American college campuses in its latest propaganda sketch on the viral congressional hearing.

During the meeting, the presidents of the top universities — Harvard, University of Pennsylvania [UPenn] and MIT — said that calling for the genocide of Jews is not necessary against the codes of conduct of the universities since it all “depends on the context,” according to the Daily Mail.

As a result, UPenn President Amy Magill resigned in disgrace and the two other presidents faced criticism from the public.

The pre-written sketch was released just hours after Magill resigned from her position.

“I’m going to start yelling questions at these women like Billy Eichner. Antisemitism – yay or nay? Yes or no! Is calling for the genocide of Jews against the code of conduct for Harvard?” the SNL actress who played Stefanik screamed at the three other women who played the college presidents.

SNL writers then exposed their hatred toward Stefanik even more.

“UPenn lady, same question, yes or no? If you don’t say yes, you’re going to make me look good, which is really, really hard to do. So I will ask you straight up. Do you think genocide is bad?” the actress said.

People online didn’t waste time criticizing SNL which now started defending anti-Semites and attacking those who oppose them.

“Only a hate-filled, anti-Semitic SNL could do a sketch about the anti-Semitic college presidents testifying in front of Congress and make the questioner Congresswoman Stefanik the target of the sketch,” iHeart Radio host Mark Simone wrote.

Kyle Mann of the Babylon Bee also criticized SNL.

“[It’s] actually pretty incredible how this skit featured liberals being unwilling to call genocide bad – and they WEREN’T the punchline of the joke. Just shows how unfunny you can get if you’re unwilling to make fun of people on your side,” he wrote.

Regular people on Twitter also had something to say about the blatant propaganda piece that was produced by the Marxist machine.

“Congratulate SNL, everyone. Since they haven’t been funny for years, they’ve now simply transcended comedy and become one big joke. Not sure what’s more pathetic, this vague attempt at comedy, or mocking those who stand up against Antisemitism at a time like this. Filth,” one of the people wrote.

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