Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Biden’s ‘Over a Billion, 300 Million, Trillion’ Claim Raises Concerns

'Holy sweet baby Moses, what is happening?...'

(Luis CornelioHeadline USA) President Joe Biden was caught on Friday using an astronomically fabricated figure while highlighting his purported multi-billion-dollar investment in 10 major passenger rail projects. 

During a speech in Las Vegas marked by several verbal stumbles, Biden declared that his administration would be investing “over a billion, 300 million, trillion, 300 million dollars” in the new project.

However, according to press statements, Biden intended to announce $8.2 billion in federal funding for railway development spanning from Nevada to Los Angeles. This initiative, as reported by the Daily Mail, is projected to be finalized by 2028 and could potentially accommodate 11 million passengers annually. 

The non-existent figure provided by Biden drew criticism and mockery on Twitter, with many questioning the coherence of the 81-year-old president’s speech. Collin Rugg, co-founder of Trending Politics News, sarcastically remarked, “I’ll admit, that’s impressive! […] Very cool!” 

Author and EpochTV host Hans Mahncke highlighted the incoherence in Biden’s statement: “I think he said ‘over a billion three hundred million trillion trillion million dollars’, i.e. 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.” 

Political commentator Stephen L. Miller humorously linked Biden’s nonsensical figure to his son, Hunter Biden. “When ur trying to calculate how much your son blew on hookers and coke,” Miller said. “Not judging.” 

Miller also made a comment likely referring to bipartisan concerns about Biden’s mental acuity, stating, “He’s fine.” 

Bonchie, an author for RedState, expressed astonishment, exclaiming, “Holy sweet baby Moses, what is happening?”

In addition to Biden’s numerical mishap, the president recounted a false story about his frequent use of the Amtrak train from Delaware to Washington.

However, fact-checking revealed discrepancies in the timeline of events. Biden claimed that former Amtrak employee Angelo Negri told him he had traveled over a million miles on Amtrak, surpassing that milestone on Air Force Two.

This story was debunked as Negri retired in 1993 when Biden was a senator, and he passed away in 2014, well before the alleged milestone on Air Force Two in 2015.  

Biden repeated this false claim in November, adding to a list of 12 known false statements made since he assumed the presidency, according to the New York Post. The latest claim marked the 13th time Biden spews the made up story.

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