Thursday, December 14, 2023

#FAFO Father Releases NRA Ad as California Targets His 2A Rights

'After successfully defending my home and my family and my five-month-old child, California has now decided to suspend my Second Amendment...'

(Luis CornelioHeadline USA) In a gripping response to the suspension of his concealed carry license by California authorities, Vince Ricci, a Los Angeles entrepreneur and father, has released a powerful ad alongside the NRA decrying what he perceives as an infringement on his Second Amendment rights. 

Ricci, hailed as a hero after thwarting two potential home intruders by firing his weapon, gained nationwide attention when security footage captured the intense moment he defended his family.

However, his actions, despite being praised by many, were met with the disturbing suspension of his concealed carry license by local authorities.

“After successfully defending my home and my family and my five-month-old child, California has now decided to suspend my Second Amendment,” Ricci lamented in the heartfelt video released on Thursday.

The entrepreneur detailed the aftermath of the incident, recounting a call from a sheriff notifying him of the license suspension, allegedly citing his behavior as a reason. As told to Fox News, Ricci said he was informed that his permit was suspended because he was “yelling” at officers, following his criticism of the LAPD’s handling of the situation.


Ricci didn’t mince words in his remarks, criticizing law enforcement for what he deemed as “sloppy police work” due to the alleged failure to collect casings scattered in his parking lot as potential evidence. 

Recalling the harrowing experience in the ad, Ricci vividly described the intrusion.  

“It was a quiet evening, as I was coming home from the gym, two armed men masked hooped over the wall, ran down on me with guns and the most terrifying part was my wife and my 5-month-old baby were on the other side of the door,” he said, emphasizing his decision to wield his firearm as a means of safeguarding his family.


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“My situation is unique because it happened at my front door, all on camera,” he added. “But this happens time and time again all over the country…” 

He continued by addressing what he perceives as a political neglect of such incidents, “People sweep it under the rug because it doesn’t behoove their political agenda. The fact is, evil will always exist.”


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