Thursday, December 14, 2023

Michigan Moves to Impeach Soros-Backed, Alcoholic, Lesbo AG Dana Nessel

'[Nessel] has failed to charge individuals responsible for 'clearly fraudulent' voter registration applications uncovered in a joint investigation involving her office in October 2020...'

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) Several state-level Republicans in Michigan introduced articles of impeachment for state Attorney General, Dana Nessel, on the grounds of “corrupt conduct.”

State Rep. James DeSana introduced the articles along with co-sponsors Neil Friske, R, 107th District; Joseph Fox, R-101st District; Rachelle Smit, R-43rd District; Matt Maddock, R-51st District; Steve Carra, R-36th District; Josh Schriver, R-66th District; and Angela Rigas, R-79th District, according to the Gateway Pundit.

DeSana authored three articles of impeachment in his resolution, claiming Nessel violated her constitutional oath of office.

“[Nessel] has failed to charge individuals responsible for ‘clearly fraudulent’ voter registration applications uncovered in a joint investigation involving her office in October 2020,” the first article explained.

The news of a statewide illegal voter-registration ring broke in August.

An investigative report into the matter landed on the desk of voter integrity activist Phil O’Halloran in October 2020—a month before the election—in the coastal town of Muskegon, according to the Gateway Pundit.

Despite the fact that the report came out of the local police department and contained official evidence of fraudulent activity among voting officials, Nessel and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson reportedly neglected to make the results of the investigation public.

According to Rep. Ann Bollin, chair of the House Election Integrity Committee, voting clerks and other officials within the Michigan State Legislature never received word to be on the lookout for fabricated voter registration forms.

The guilty party never faced charges for their proven crimes.

The second article addressed the “malicious prosecution of the 16 Michigan Republican Electors,” who cast electoral votes for former President Donald Trump in the 2020 election.

Nessel charged each of the 16 alternate electors with eight felonies each.

All but two of the electors were senior citizens, and many of them lived on fixed incomes. If charged, they will all face life sentences for submitting their alternate electoral votes for Trump after they knew he had lost.

Finally, article three concerned a personal conflict of interest on Nessel’s part.

The AG allegedly used her powerful government seat to help Traci Kornak—a friend, personal injury lawyer, a former member of her 2018 transition team and Michigan Democratic Party treasurer—out of a sticky legal situation last year.

Kornak was accused by the director of a West Michigan nursing home of using an elderly client with brain damage to bill an insurance company for almost $50,000 under false pretenses.

After the accusation, the AG’s office opened an investigation into Kornak despite numerous ethical violations.

Scott Teter, director of the Michigan AG’s Financial Crimes Division, voiced his concerns about the very apparent conflict of interest.

“Because the suspect in this matter assisted with Attorney General Nessel’s transition into office, I believe it would create the appearance of impropriety for AG Nessel to access information about this investigation,” Teter wrote.

“Specifically, if the Department of Attorney General declined to seek charges against the suspect, it might appear that the professional relationship between Attorney General Nessel and Traci Kornak had influenced the investigation.”

Teter requested the establishment of a conflict wall, preventing Nessel from accessing information about the case.

Nessel completely disregarded the wall and received several reports on the case.

Nessel, one of Michigan’s infamous “three witches,” has a history of no-holds-barred leftist agenda, vowing never to enforce a Michigan pro-life law and forcing Christian adoption centers to allow LGBT couples to adopt children.

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