Thursday, December 14, 2023

Elon Musk Removes NY Times’s Twitter Gold Verification Badge for Lying

'[I]f ever there was a time to cancel that publication, it is now...'

(Dmytro “Henry” AleksandrovHeadline USA) Elon Musk removed the New York Times’s gold verification badge on Twitter after the constant lies of the leftist propaganda outlet, among which was the recent anti-Israel coverage of the bombing of a hospital in Gaza.

Musk didn’t provide the official reason why he removed the badge, but his previous attitude toward the mainstream media and criticism of the Times for covering up anti-white racism and supporting the genocide of white people suggests that the publication’s badge was removed for its constant deception.

“[I]f ever there was a time to cancel that publication, it is now,” he wrote in one of his tweets.

After Musk bought Twitter, accounts of the legacy mainstream media outlets, like the Times, were granted the gold badge by the platform. The badge is a designation that separates official accounts from dozens or hundreds of imposters, according to Trending News.

After the news about a hospital in Gaza being bombed came out, the Times initially used an anti-Israel headline, accusing the country of the tragedy and using Palestinian sources. However, it was later discovered by U.S. intelligence arms that the explosion was caused by a misfired rocket by Hamas that initially wanted to target Israel. This revelation led the Times to change the headline of the article multiple times.

In addition to that, the Times misrepresented a photo of a semi-demolished building to be the location of the Gaza hospital — something that even CNN and the Wall Street Journal didn’t do, instead deciding to show the actual photos of the blast area showing what appeared to be a parking lot with trees nearby and without building debris.

Twitter also implemented a five-second delay on users’ access to Times articles through the platform, days after Musk called for the Times’ cancellation over the anti-white coverage of what was going on in South Africa.

This caused the Times’s traffic from Twitter to go down 50% since August, according to Trending Politics. The change was made to encourage users to stay on Twitter rather than click through to other sites, Musk said.

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