Thursday, December 14, 2023

Pa.’s Automatic Voter Registration Backfires on Democrat Fraudsters

''It looks better and better for Donald Trump here, but there's a lot of game to be played between now and then...'

(Headline USA) An automatic voter registration system launched in Pennsylvania by Democrat Gov. Josh Shapiro may end up helping Republicans more than its intended Democrat beneficiaries, the Washington Examiner reported.

Shapiro announced in September that the state would begin automatically registering eligible Pennsylvanians to vote when they obtain or renew identification cards and drivers license. 

State Republicans blasted the move, arguing Shapiro circumvented the state legislature to implement the new policy and pointing out the long list of irregularities and failures with the state’s election system that have raised concerns about past results.

“The problem here is not necessarily the end, but the means,” state House Republican leader Bryan Cutler said at the time. “This unilateral action on the eve of what is likely to be a hotly contested and close election will cause many Pennsylvania voters to continue to question the security and results of our system.”

However, new data collected from the initiative show Republicans have benefitted from it the most. Just 3,194 Democrats and 4,052 independents have been automatically registered, compared to 7,657 Republicans.

Democrats still hold a 480,000 voter advantage over Republicans, but even Democrats are beginning to worry that this might change. One particular concern is President Joe Biden’s unpopularity.

A Quinnipiac poll released last week shows Biden trailing former President Donald Trump Trump in a hypothetical matchup in Pennsylvania. The same poll found Biden’s favorability rating among Pennsylvanians sits at just 39%.

“It looks better and better for Donald Trump here, but there’s a lot of game to be played between now and then,” said Jim Schultz, former White House counsel for Trump.

“I think the polls are showing people are not happy,” he added. “Democrats, in fact, are not happy with the job that Joe Biden’s doing.”

According to Shapiro’s office, more than 10 million Pennsylvanians are eligible to vote.

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