Thursday, December 14, 2023

Ariz. Gov. Katie Hobbs Temporarily Cedes Power to Republican, Fueling Mystery

'The people of Arizona deserve leaders who follow the rule of law...'

(Corine GattiHeadline USA) Arizona’s Democrat Gov. Katie Hobbs temporarily designated Republican state Treasurer Kimberly Yee as acting governor after mysteriously stepping down Wednesday night with no explanation, the Liberty Daily reported.

Some even wondered if Hobbs may have been under investigation or indicted for a racketeering conspiracy in a move that would parallel the lawfare attack being waged on Republican former President Donald Trump and 18 others in Fulton County, Georgia.

However, Arizona’s state Senate maintained there was no such indictment issued, said U.S. News & World Report.

Hobbs—whose legitimacy continues to be challenged in court by 2022 Republican candidate Kari Lake following an election fraught with irregularities and suspicious activity—was expected to return on Thursday and reclaim her authority.

Yee, who third in Arizona’s line of succession for governor, skipped ahead of the secretary of state and the attorney general, both of whom are Democrats.

That fueled even more speculation surrounding the strange sudden departure, especially after Monday’s heated battle in the Arizona state legislature over the appointment of directors for 13 state agencies, including the Department of Administration and Department of Economic Security. 

When Hobbs failed to get her nominations confirmed by the legislature’s Republican majority, she resorted to appointing them as “executive deputy directors” instead.

Yee and other Republican leaders refused to recognize the radical appointees named by Hobbs, TownHall noted.

“I believe she is thumbing her nose at the law,” Yee said. She explained that it could result in other rogue, unelected offials sitting in top positions and making executive decisions.

And yet, with the opportunity to step in, Yee refrained from naming directors herself.

“I do hope when the governor returns to Arizona, she will promptly name qualified directors to these important state agencies,” Yee said in a press release.

“I expect to see a swift resolution to this matter, so we can get back to getting the work done for Arizona taxpayers,” she continued. “The people of Arizona deserve leaders who follow the rule of law.”

Yee also did not address the governor’s absence in her press release.

All of this was happening as President Joe Biden arrived in Arizona on Wednesday night for a speech at the McCain Institute, based out of Arizona State University in Phoenix, the state capital.

It’s possible that no Democrats are willing to associate with Biden’s administration due to his failure to enforce immigration policies, especially in a border state like Arizona.

Then again, it seems unlikely that Hobbs, a well-known beneficiary of George Soros’s patronage, would shy away from her support of open-border policies.

Either way, Twitter users were quick to

“Republican Kimberly Yee is currently the Acting Governor of Arizona while the fraud Katie Hobbs is …. where exactly?? WTF is going on in Arizona?!,” wrote former Washington Times opinion editor Monica Crowley

A post appearing to originate from the private Instagram account of a Washington, D.C., congressional staffer named Hayden Michael suggested that Hobbs may have traded cities with Biden for the day.

Conservative rabble-rouser Laura Loomer joined the chorus asking, “Why is @katiehobbs no longer Governor tonight? What’s happening in Arizona?”

“I think Katie Hobbs is converting to Republican,” quipped another Twitter user by the name of Alex.

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