Thursday, December 14, 2023

Nat’l Prayer Breakfast Snubs Longtime Christian Organizers in Favor of Swamp

'It has become a nexus for religious extremism, infiltration by Russian agents, and organized bigotry (anti-LGBTQ and anti-labor)...'

(Headline USA) In another sign that the Marxist-sympathizing Biden administration is deliberately slouching toward Gomorrah, President Joe Biden and other top elected officials snubbed the longtime Christian organizers of the National Prayer Breakfast in favor of a new Swamp-based foundation dedicated solely to putting on the annual event.

The breakfast was held at the Capitol’s visitor center, and the auditorium’s 450 seats were packed with members of Congress, government officials and others.

Every president since Dwight D. Eisenhower has spoken at the event, which in past years has been attended by thousands.

For decades, it was overseen by the International Foundation, a Christian organization that has drawn increasing scrutiny over the years due to its religious roots, even though it touts itself as “non-profit, non-sectarian and non-political.”

However, Democrats have recently complained about its religious bent and outsize influence among conservatives. Notably, the Freedom from Religion Foundation and other atheist groups sent a Jan. 17 letter urging Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to boycott it.

It has become a nexus for religious extremism, infiltration by Russian agents, and
organized bigotry (anti-LGBTQ and anti-labor),” said the letter. “The National Prayer Breakfast is an active marketplace of Christian nationalism, and it is not the bipartisan event that it purports to be.”

Instead, the event is now run by the National Prayer Breakfast Foundation, a group led by former members of Congress.

The International Foundation held its own event at a nearby hotel, where Biden’s speech was being watched remotely.

“Welcome to all 1,300,” Biden said, a reference to the size of the crowd at the other breakfast. It was his only acknowledgement during the public program to changes behind the scenes.

Contradicting his divisive pre-election rhetoric, which vilified his political rivals as a “threat to democracy,” Biden delivered a message of unity while sitting shoulder to shoulder with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

“In our politics and in our lives, we too often see each other as opponents and not competitors. We see each other as enemies, not neighbors,” Biden said. “And as tough as these times have been, if we look closer, we see the strength, the determination that has long defined America.”

Quoting Scripture, Biden said it was important to “love thy neighbor as thyself.”

“That’s the hardest one, I think,” he said. “At least it’s hardest here. It didn’t used to be as hard. I’ve been here a long time. But it seems to be getting harder.”

The decision to abandon the prayer breakfast’s Christian roots was one in a long list of ways that the radical Left has attempted to replace religious values with those actively antithetical and even hostile to the Judeo–Christian tradition.

Most recently, leftists in New York removed a statue of former President Theodore Roosevelt, also a New York governor, from a courthouse and replaced it with a decidedly pagan golden idol whose sculptor said was an homage to the “god of abortion.”

The statue appeared to have antlers and tentacles, as well as the lace judicial collar worn by the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Adapted from reporting by the Associated Press

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