Thursday, December 14, 2023

Justice Denied: Whitmer Kidnap Inmates to Remain in Out-of-State Gulags

'Communication is almost non-existent, with the Federal prison being unable or unwilling to facilitate confidential video and/or telephonic communication and with mail being returned to counsel as being "Refused"...'

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) In October, Mich. Judge Thomas Wilson demanded answers from prosecutors about why the men convicted on state charges of assisting the Gov. Gretchen Whitmer kidnap plot were transferred to federal prisons outside of Michigan—where they’re unable to regularly communicate with their attorneys or review records for their pending appeals.

“Without that information, it feels like we’re flying blind,” Judge Wilson said at the time in the case of Whitmer defendants Paul Bellar, Joe Morrison and Pete Musico.

But after a hearing on the matter Friday, Wilson changed his tune. He allowed the men to remain in out-of-state prisons, despite a lack of explanation from prosecutors about why they were put there in the first place.

“Following a hearing Friday. Judge Wilson denied all of the requests by Bellar and Morrison. Judge Wilson found that Bellar and Morrison had not met the very high burden required of a prisoner seeking bond pending appeal who was convicted of serious crimes like providing material support for a terrorist act,” Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a Monday press release.

“Judge Wilson also found that Bellar’s and Morrison’s complaints about serving their sentences in federal prisons were not properly before him.”

Headline USA understands that Musico wasn’t subject to Wilson’s decision because he hadn’t filed a formal request to be moved back to Michigan.

Bellar’s father, Tom Bellar, has expressed fears that his son will miss his crucial appeal deadline due to the restrictive conditions. Along with being held in a Pennsylvania prison, he recently had his phone and email privileges suspended over a minor infraction.

Indeed, Headline USA has previously reported how Bellar, Musico and Morrison have been blocked from speaking to their attorneys or reviewing necessary documents for their appeals.

“The Michigan Department of Corrections has transferred Mr. Bellar to a Federal prison facility in the State of Pennsylvania. Prior to the transfer, communication with Mr. Bellar was convenient, with counsel being able to hold the aforementioned video conference and his mail was being received,” Bellar’s attorney said in a filing last month.

“Since the transfer, however, communication is almost non-existent, with the Federal prison being unable or unwilling to facilitate confidential video and/or telephonic communication and with mail being returned to counsel as being ‘Refused.’”

Meanwhile, the so-called “ringleaders” of the Gov. Gretchen Whitmer kidnap plot—Barry Croft and Adam Fox—also have appeals pending. Justice Department prosecutors have until Nov. 17 to respond to those appeals.

Croft and Fox have been subjected to similarly harsh treatment from the federal prisons system. Initially held in Michigan and communicating with a journalist about their cases, both men were suddenly transferred to supermax facilities in February, and they haven’t been heard from publicly since.

Ken Silva is a staff writer at Headline USA. Follow him at twitter.com/jd_cashless.

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