Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Biden Caught Lying about Amtrak Story for the 12th Time

'But Negri had been dead for more than a year...'

(Luis CornelioHeadline USA) President Joe Biden faced scrutiny on Monday after recounting a fabricated Amtrak conductor incident where he was supposedly hailed with the words, “Joey, baby!”  

Despite never experiencing such an event, Biden reiterated his claim during a Delaware-based event, adding to the tally of his 12 known false claims since assuming the presidency, as reported by the New York Post.

Biden’s tale centered around his purported interaction with the Amtrak conductor, Angelo, during his vice presidency from 2009 to 2017. 

“When I was vice president, I flew over a million miles on Air Force Two, but I traveled further than that on Amtrak over the year. I was coming home to see my mom,” Biden began. 

“And I got on the train on a Friday, and I won’t get him [the Amtrak conductor] into complete trouble, I’ll just tell you his first name, but I’ll just tell you his first name. He was No. 2 in seniority at the time, Angelo,” Biden narrated, before emphasizing the conductor’s fabricated actions. 

“And Ang came up to me as I was walking in, and he said, ‘Joey!’ and he grabbed my cheek, and he said, ‘Joey, Baby!’” Biden added. 

Further into the speech, Biden continued to embellish his Amtrak travels.

“And I said, ‘What’s it mean, Ang?’ And he said … you know how many miles you traveled on Amtrak?’ I said, ‘No.’ He said, ‘A million … [and] 320,000 miles.’ And I said, ‘How do you figure that?’ And he said, ‘Well, 180 days a year, almost 300 miles a day, 36 years,’” Biden declared, as detailed by the Post.

The fact check, first published by CNN’s Daniel Dale on June 30, 2021, revealed that Biden didn’t reach the one-million-mile mark aboard Air Force Two until September 2015, while the conductor in question, Angelo Negri, retired in 1993 and passed away in May 2014, rendering the purported interaction impossible.

“Biden was friends with the Amtrak conductor at the center of the story, Angelo Negri,” Dale reported. “But Negri had been dead for more than a year – and had been retired for more than two decades – before the earliest moment they could conceivably have had the supposed conversation Biden keeps describing.”

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