Wednesday, December 13, 2023

DNA Fragments Found in Pfizer COVID Vax, May Be Source of Ailments

'That's a proven genotoxicity risk...'

(Dmytro “Henry” AleksandrovHeadline USA) During a hearing on Monday, members of Congress were warned by scientists that DNA fragments were detected in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

Among the witnesses who were testifying to a hearing in Washington, DC, that was convened by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, RGa., was Dr. Robert Malone, who helped invent the messenger RNA [mRNA] technology that the companies used for the shot, the Epoch Times reported.

It was revealed that the vaccine includes a DNA sequence called Simian Virus 40 [SV40] that was not disclosed to at least some regulators. Malone also said that, in addition to that, the sequence leaves behind residual DNA that could cause problems.

“That’s a proven genotoxicity risk,” Malone said, later adding that there is a possibility that the fragments are causing the unusual types of cancers that have appeared following the rollout of the vaccines.

“I speculate that what we may find is that the cancer risk here may be partially attributed to these DNA contaminations. That would be consistent with the peer-reviewed literature. And by the way, these DNA fragments may also be shown to contribute to genetic anomalies in the fetus[es], which is one of the most prominent causes of premature abortion,” he said.

The inclusion of the sequence means the vaccine is adulterated and should be recalled by the FDA, Malone previously said.

Pfizer and BioNTech did not highlight the inclusion of the sequence when submitting paperwork, according to both Health Canada and the European Medicines Agency.

“The rules are that you don’t draw conclusions without data. Normally, historically, one has to perform rigorous genotoxicity and insertional mutagenesis assays,” Malone said, adding that there is no evidence that the FDA performed those tests or ordered the companies to perform them.

In a Moderna patent, Moderna said that directly injecting DNA into living hosts comes with “potential problems, including the possibility of insertional mutagenesis, which could lead to the activation of oncogenes or the inhibition of tumor suppressor genes,” Malone pointed out in his blog.

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