Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Ga. Tech Fined $500K by DOJ for Limiting Jobs to U.S. Citizens

'Other schools have advocated black-only spaces, dorms, and graduations but claim this kind of segregation is a good thing because it somehow protects black students...'

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) The Georgia Institute of Technology, a publicly-funded American university, has been fined $500,000 by Attorney General Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice for limiting its job openings to American citizens, the College Fix reported.

The lawsuit was kicked off by a “lawful permanent resident,” who sued the school upon discovering that Georgia Tech had a job listed on its website open only to Americans.

“The student alleged that a [job] bank advertised a U.S. citizen-only internship on Georgia Tech’s career services website,” the DOJ wrote in a press release.

According to the DOJ, the university also had other jobs listed discouraging foreign applicants.

“Upon investigating the student’s complaint, the department uncovered additional unlawful discriminatory advertisements on Georgia Tech’s job recruiting platform that discouraged or restricted certain non-U.S. citizen students from applying,” the Justice Department continued.

Such maneuvers, according to the DOJ, constitute a violation of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

In the wake of the ruling, the DOJ has demanded that the university “ensure that certain career services personnel in its undergraduate and graduate programs are trained on the INA’s anti-discrimination provision,” for the following three years.

The school is also expected to revise its policies for job listings.

“The Justice Department will vigorously enforce the Immigration and Nationality Act’s nondiscrimination mandate to ensure that college students are treated fairly and have an equal opportunity to compete for internships and jobs,” Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke added.

A representative from Georgia Tech’s Turning Point USA group suggested that the ruling is hypocritical and unproductive.

“Other schools have advocated black-only spaces, dorms, and graduations but claim this kind of segregation is a good thing because it somehow protects black students,” the group representative said.

It is also highly likely, based on the DOJ’s past weaponization of the law, that the jobs in question may have been in a highly sensitive area involving defense contracts or other work that may even be classified.

The school, known for its engineering program, does have a research institute that contracts with the Department of Defense.

Clarke, a far-left idealogue, previously waged a similar lawfare attack on billionaire Elon Musk, himself a naturalized U.S. citizen originally from South Africa, who limited some of the jobs at his Spacex company to citizens due to the administrative complications involved with hiring non-citizens for work involving advanced rocketry.

Musk said he had been subject to regulations of the International Traffic and Arms Regulations Act, which prohibited non-Americans from working on rocketry.

Headline USA’s Ben Sellers contributed to this report.

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